Attack Report
After the completion of the attack, there is a report screen where the results of the attack can be viewed in detail.
In the Attack Info section, there are general details related to the attack. These details include:
Attack ID/Name
Start Time
End Time
Running Time
Attack Type
Layer Type
Protocol Type
Origin Geolocation
Target Geolocation
Target Address
Total Hit
Total Bot Count
Avg. Response Time
Successful Hit
Failed Hit
There is an attack type list in the dropdown with 'All' selected by default. The average results of all attack types for that attack are displayed on the screen. If desired, specific attack type results can be filtered in the report by selecting the desired attack type from this list.
DRR Score: It is a metric that measures the resilience of your system based on the conducted attack.
In the report; PPS, TPS, or BPS, Health Status Graphic and Logs are also displayed. You can add a new note or show added notes in here.
Last updated